Helmut Philipp Aust
- Auteur
Boeken van Helmut Philipp Aust
Helmut Philipp Aust
Esra Demir–Gürsel
The European Court of Human Rights
This book considers how the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is faced with numerous challenges which emanate from authoritarian and populist tendencies arising across its member states.
Helmut Philipp Aust
Complicity and the Law of State Responsibility
This systematic analysis of State complicity in international law focuses on the rules of State responsibility. Combining a theoretical perspective on complicity based on the concept of the international rule of law with a thorough analysis of international practice, Helmut Philipp Aust establishes what forms of support for wrongful conduct entail responsibility of complicit States and sheds light on the consequences of complicity in terms of reparation and implementation.