Marleen van Rijswick
- Auteur
MARLEEN VAN RIJSWICK is Professor of European and Dutch Water Law and is Director of the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on the question of how law can contribute to a sustainable and equitable use of water resources based on shared responsibilities. Notably, she has acted as President of the Dutch Society for Environmental Law, a member of the Netherlands Council for Water legislation (Commissie van Advies voor de waterstaatswetgeving) and a member of the Wadden Sea Council (Waddenraad).
MARLEEN VAN RIJSWICK is Professor of European and Dutch Water Law and is Director of the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on the question of how law can contribute to a sustainable and equitable use of water resources based on shared responsibilities. Notably, she has acted as President of the Dutch Society for Environmental Law, a member of the Netherlands Council for Water legislation (Commissie van Advies voor de waterstaatswetgeving) and a member of the Wadden Sea Council (Waddenraad). Her research interests include water law and adaptation to climate change within the broader field of environmental law, spatial planning law, nature conservation law and European and constitutional and administrative law.
Boeken van Marleen van Rijswick
Chris Backes
H.A.J. Gierveld
Tonny Nijmeijer
Marleen van Rijswick
Handboek Omgevingswet
Op 1 januari 2024 trad de Omgevingswet in werking, met een omvangrijke en ingrijpende stelselwijziging in het omgevingsrecht tot gevolg.
Herman Havekes
Marleen van Rijswick
Nederlands waterrecht in Europese context
In deze monografie wordt zowel het waterbestuur als het waterbeheer in Nederland in zijn Europese context beschreven.
Marlon Boeve
Sanne Akerboom
Chris Backes
Marleen van Rijswick
Environmental Law For Transitions to Sustainability
Over the last decades, environmental law has significantly contributed to limiting pollution and decoupling economic growth and negative environmental effects.