Miranda Boone
- Auteur
Miranda Boone is a Professor of Criminology at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. Until May 2017 she worked as a Professor of Penology and Penitentiary Law at the University of Groningen and as a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Law at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. She was co-chair of the Working Group on Decision-Making of the COST Action IS1106 on Offender Supervision in Europe (2012–2016)
Miranda Boone is a Professor of Criminology at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. Until May 2017 she worked as a Professor of Penology and Penitentiary Law at the University of Groningen and as a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Law at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. She was co-chair of the Working Group on Decision-Making of the COST Action IS1106 on Offender Supervision in Europe (2012–2016)
Boeken van Miranda Boone
Miranda Boone
Constantijn Kelk
Pauline Schuyt
M.J.F. van der Wolf
Nederlands detentierecht
Het detentierecht betreft de situatie van gedetineerden in penitentiaire inrichtingen, te weten gevangenissen, huizen van bewaring, inrichtingen voor stelselmatige daders en tbs-instellingen.
Miranda Boone
Chrisje Brants
Renée Kool
Criminologie en strafrecht
Criminologie en strafrecht zijn twee heel verschillende disciplines die in Nederland beiden aan de rechtenfaculteit worden beoefend.
Miranda Boone
De conflictoplossende rol van de rechter in kleine en grote zaken
Er gaat nauwelijks een dag voorbij zonder aandacht in de media voor rechterlijke uitspraken in grote zaken, over bijvoorbeeld klimaat, asiel, internationale conflicten of de strafrechtelijke vervolging van politici.
Miranda Boone
Niamh Maguire
Enforcement of Offender Supervision in Europe
This book provides a comparative analysis of the process of breach across ten different European jurisdictions by identifying and elaborating a number of key analytical themes through which the different systems can be compared and evaluated.