Peter Koning is auteur, spreker en oprichter van Re:lead. Hij adviseert, coacht, inspireert en traint leidinggevenden. Met ruim 15 jaar ervaring begeleidt hij managementteams met hele praktische tips en handvatten. Samen met enkele bedrijven heeft hij praktische tools ontwikkeld die door steeds meer bedrijven worden gebruikt.
Meer over Peter KoningAgile Leadership Toolkit
Learning to Thrive with Self-Managing Teams
If you lead in organizations that have adopted agile methods, you know it’s crucial to create the right environment for your agile teams. Traditional tools such as Gantt charts, detailed plans, and internal KPIs aren’t adequate for complex and fast-changing markets, but merely trusting participants and teams to self-manage isn’t sufficient, either. In Agile Leadership Toolkit, long-time agile leader Peter Koning provides an invaluable steering wheel for agile leaders and their teams.
Drawing on his extensive experience helping leaders drive more value from agile, Koning offers a comprehensive toolkit for continuously improving your environment, including structures, metrics, meeting techniques, and governance for creating thriving teams that build disruptive products and services. Koning thoughtfully explains how to lead agile teams at the large scale, and how team members fit into both the team and the wider organization. You’ll learn how to:
-Provide the inspiring direction agile teams need to work smarter and explore better solutions
-Facilitate ownership, building “can-do” teams that continually look to improve
-Accelerate learning by integrating users into a fast learning loop
-Design and improve habits that support your agile culture
Refined through implementation experience at multiple enterprises, Agile Leadership Toolkit is the only guide to agile leadership that’s connected with Scrum.org’s authoritative leadership programs.
-Ideas and solutions agile leaders can start using right away, from the creator of Scrum.org’s own leadership materials
-New metrics to measure team agility and effectiveness of teams
-Practical workshops and overviews to facilitate improvements
-Tools to change culture and environment, and make team self-management work better
Concrete tools and practical mindsets for leading and enabling high-functioning agile teams
-Ideas and solutions agile leaders can start using right away, from the creator of Scrum.org’s own leadership materials
-New metrics to measure team agility and effectiveness of teams
-Practical workshops and overviews to facilitate improvements
-Tools to change culture and environment, and make team self-management work better
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