The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
A Commentary
This treatise is a detailed article-by-article examination of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Each article of the CRPD contains a methodical analysis of the preparatory works, followed by an exhaustive examination of the contents of each article based on case law and concluding observations from the CRPD Committee, judgments from national and international courts and tribunals, pertinent UN and other reports, the key literature on the article under review.
The volume features commentary from a broad range of scholars across a variety of disciplines in order to provide a comprehensive study of the legal, psychological, education, sociological, and other aspects of the CPRD. This encyclopaedic commentary on the CRPD effectively covers all the issues arising from international disability law and practice, and will be an ideal resource for all working in the field.
2: Article 1: Purpose, Emily Kakoullis and Yoshikazu Ikehara
3: Article 2: Definitions, Anna Nilsson
4: Article 3: General Principles, Sarah Arduin
5: Article 4: General Obligations, Andrea Broderick
6: Article 5: Equality and Non-Discrimination, Jessica Lynn Corsi
7: Article 6: Women with Disabilities, Roxanne Mykitiuk and Ena Chanda
8: Article 7: Children with Disabilities, Ilias Bantekas
9: Article 8: Awareness-raising, Francisco Bariffi
10: Article 9: Accessibility, Anna Lawson
11: Chapter 10: Right to Life, Smitha Nizar
12: Article 11: Situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies, Stephanie Motz
13: Article 12: Equal Recognition before the Law, Lucy Series and Anna Nilsson
14: Article 13: Access to Justice, Eilionor Flynn
15: Article 14: Liberty and Security of Person, Michael Perlin and Eva Szeli
16: Article 15: Protection against torture and cruel or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Phil Fennell
17: Article 16: Freedom from Exploitation, Violence and Abuse, Amanda Keeling
18: Chapter 17: Protecting the Integrity of the Person, Francesco Seatzu
19: Chapter 18: Liberty of Movement and Nationality, Lawrence Mute
20: Article 19: Living independently and being included in the community, Janos Fiala-Butora, Arie Rimmerman and Ayelet Gur
21: Article 20: Personal Mobility, Aart Hendriks and Lalin Kovudhikulrungsri
22: Article 21: Freedom of Expression and Opinion, and Access to Information, Eliza Varney
23: Article 22: Respect for Privacy, Molly Land , Anthony Giannoumis, Aga Kitkowska, and Maria Mikhaylova
24: Article 23: Respect for home and the family, Janos Fiala-Butora
25: Article 24: Education, Dimitris Anastasiou, Michael Gregory and James M Kauffman
26: Article 25: Health, Penelope Weller
27: Article 26: Habilitation and Rehabilitation, Jerome Bickenbach and Dimitrios Skempes
28: Article 27: Work and Employment, Ilias Bantekas, Facundo Pennilas and Stefan Trömel
29: Article 28: Adequate standard of living and social protection, Kevin Cremin
30: Article 29: Participation in Political and Public Life, Ilze Grobelaar Du Plessis and Jehoshaphat Njau
31: Article 30: Participation in Cultural Life, Recreation, Leisure and Sport, Ilias Bantekas, Chow Pok Yin Stephenson, Stavroula Karapapa and Eleni Polymenopoulou
32: Article 31: Statistics and Data Collection, Mads Pedersen and Federico Ferretti
33: Article 32: International Cooperation, Janet Lord and Michael Ashley Stein
34: Article 33: National Implementation and Monitoring, Valentin Aichele
35: Article 34: Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Katherine Guernsey
36: Article 35: Reports by State Parties, Arlene Kanter
37: Article 36: Considerations of Reports, Helene Combrinck
38: Article 37: Cooperation between States Parties and the Committee, Kris Gledhill
38: Article 38: Relationship of the Committee with Other Bodies, Ilias Bantekas
40: Article 39: Report of the Committee, Mary Pat Treuthart
41: Article 40: Conference of States Parties, Ilias Bantekas
42: Article 41: [Secretary-General as Depositary], Ilias Bantekas
43: Article 42: Signature, Ilias Bantekas
44: Article 43: Consent to be Bound, Ilias Bantekas
45: Article 44: Regional Integration Organizations, Jacob Katz Cogan
46: Article 45: Entry into Force, Ilias Bantekas
47: Article 46: Reservations, Ilias Bantekas
48: Article 47: Amendments, Konstantinos Magliveras
49: Article 48: Denunciation, Ilias Bantekas
50: Article 49: Accessible Format, Eliza Varney
51: Article 50: Authentic Texts, Ilias Bantekas
52: Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Tina Stavrinaki
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