Jonathan Herring is Professor of Law at Exeter College, University of Oxford. He is a widely published author across several disciplines, including criminal law, family law, and legal ethics.
Meer over Jonathan HerringCriminal Law
Text, Cases, and Materials
Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials offers comprehensive legal coverage and insightful analysis alongside expertly selected extracts from key cases and academic sources. Jonathan Herring's unique approach of separating out the doctrinal and theoretical aspects of the law makes this enduringly popular.
Key Features:
- A unique two-part approach to covering both doctrinal and theoretical criminal law makes the text appropriate across a wide range of levels and abilities
- The inclusion of extracts from case judgments and critical academic writings deepens students' engagement with the subject
- Further reading suggestions and questions at the end of individual sections allow students to reflect on the content and offer clarity on where to find extra coverage
- The structure is closely tailored to criminal law courses ensuring that the text provides all of the commentary and materials needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of each topic
New to this edition:
- Important developments in the law on sexual offences in R v Abdulahi [2022]
- Analysis of new case law on consent; R v Paterson [2022], Marland v DPP [2023]
- Developments in the law on accessorial liability and R v Rowe [2022]
- New case law on criminal damage
2:Actus reus: the conduct element
3:Mens rea: the mental element
4:Strict liability
6:Non-fatal non-sexual offences against the person
7:Sexual offences
8:Theft, handling, and robbery
10:Burglary and blackmail
11:Criminal damage
13:The criminal liability of corporations
14:Inchoate offences
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