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International Criminal Law Documents

Paperback, 462 blz. | Engels
Cambridge University Press | 1e druk, 2019
ISBN13: 9781108729086
Juridisch : Algemeen juridisch
Cambridge University Press 1e druk, 2019 9781108729086
Op voorraad | Vandaag voor 21:00 besteld, morgen in huis


This carefully edited text collects the major documents on International Criminal Law, through the early practice after the First World War, the Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Tribunals up to the present.

It includes the statutes of the ad hoc Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, as well as the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and its associated documents, including the elements of crimes that were adopted to assist the Court, and its Rules of Procedure and Evidence. The book also includes the main treaty provisions that provide the basis of the subject.

Edited by a specialist in the field with more than twenty years' experience of teaching international criminal law, this book is designed for practical use by students and practitioners. For students it is ideal as a companion for both study and examination.


Aantal pagina's:462
Hoofdrubriek:Algemeen juridisch


1. 1919 Report of the Commission on the Responsibility of the War, and on their Punishment (excerpts)
2. 1919 Treaty of Versailles (excerpts)
3. 1945 Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (IMT) Statute
4. 1945 Nuremberg IMT Rules of Procedure and Evidence (RoPE)
5. 1945 Control Council Law 10
6. 1946 Tokyo IMT Statute
7. 1946 Tokyo IMT RoPE
8. 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
9. 1949 Geneva Conventions (excerpts)
10. 1968 Convention on the Non-applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity
11. 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid
12. 1974 Definition of Aggression (General Assembly Resolution 3314)
13. 1977 Additional Protocol I to the 1949 Geneva Conventions (excerpts)
14. 1984 UN Convention against Torture
15. 1993 Secretary-General's Report pursuant to Security Council Resolution 808
16. International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Residual Mechanism for the International Criminal Tribunals (MICT Statutes): Security Council Resolutions 827 and 1966
17. 1994 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Statute
18. 1994 International Law Commission (ILC) Draft Statute of an International Criminal Court
19. 1996 ILC Draft Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Mankind
20. 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and 2010 Kampala Amendments
21. 2002 ICC RoPE
22. 2002 ICC Elements of Crimes
23. 2004 UN-ICC Relationship Agreement (UN-ICC)
24. 2002 Special Court for Sierra Leone CSL and Residual Mechanism for the Special Court for Sierra Leone Statutes
25. 2003 Agreement between UN and Cambodia relating to the Extraordinary Courts in the Chambers of Cambodia
26. 2007 Special Tribunal for Lebanon Statute and Security Council Resolution 1757
27. 2008 International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances.

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        International Criminal Law Documents