Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7
Master your virtual environment with the ultimate vSphere guide
'Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7' is the fully updated edition of the bestselling guide to VMware′s virtualization solution. With comprehensive coverage of this industry–leading toolset, this book acts as an informative guide and valuable reference. Step–by–step instruction walks you through installation, configuration, operation, security processes, and much more as you conquer the management and automation of your virtual environment. Written by certified VMware vExperts, this indispensable guide provides hands–on instruction and detailed conceptual explanations, anchored by practical applications and real–world examples.
This book is the ultimate guide to vSphere, helping administrators master their virtual environment. Learn to:
- Install, configure, and manage the vCenter Server components
- Leverage the Support Tools to provide maintenance and updates
- Create and configure virtual networks, storage devices, and virtual machines
- Implement the latest features to ensure compatibility and flexibility
- Manage resource allocation and utilization to meet application needs
- Monitor infrastructure performance and availability
- Automate and orchestrate routine administrative tasks
'Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7' is what you need to stay up–to–date on VMware′s industry–leading software for the virtualized datacenter.
Introduction xxv
Chapter 1 • Introducing VMware vSphere 6.7 1
Chapter 2 • Planning and Installing VMware ESXi 23
Chapter 3 • Installing and Configuring vCenter Server .47
Chapter 4 • vSphere Update Manager and the vCenter Support Tools .117
Chapter 5 • Creating and Configuring a vSphere Network .179
Chapter 6 • Creating and Configuring Storage Devices .265
Chapter 7 • Ensuring High Availability and Business Continuity .369
Chapter 8 • Securing VMware vSphere .433
Chapter 9 • Creating and Managing Virtual Machines .495
Chapter 10 • Using Templates and vApps .549
Chapter 11 • Managing Resource Allocation .591
Chapter 12 • Balancing Resource Utilization .645
Chapter 13 • Monitoring VMware vSphere Performance .697
Chapter 14 • Automating VMware vSphere 735
Appendix A • The Bottom Line .775
Index 801
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