Blockchain and Public Law
Global Challenges in the Era of Decentralisation
This important and topical book provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges raised by blockchain from the perspective of public law. It considers the ways in which traditional categories of public law such as sovereignty, citizenship and territory are shaped, as well as the impact of blockchain technology on fundamental rights and democratic values.
Articulated in two sections, the first analyses the opportunities and the challenges that blockchain and distributed ledger technologies raise in the field of public and constitutional law, while the second highlights challenges derived from the intersection between blockchain and other legal fields such as contract law, financial law and antitrust law. A wide variety of expert contributions offer further examinations of the constitutional challenges of blockchain technologies that provide regulatory options for governments and lawmakers.
Blockchain and Public Law will be a critical point of reference for scholars and students of legal theory, public policy and governmental law. It will also be beneficial to legal practitioners and lawmakers to further develop their knowledge of the field of blockchain at national and international levels.
Oreste Pollicino and Giovanni De Gregorio
2 Blockchain utopia and its governance shortfalls 13
Uta Kohl
3 Blockchain and sovereignty 40
Riccardo de Caria
4 Blockchain and citizenship: uneasy bedfellows 59
Oskar J. Gstrein and Dimitry V. Kochenov
5 Blockchain and democracy: Challenges and opportunities of blockchain and smart contracts for democracy in the distributed, algorithmic state 76
Jurgen Goossens
6 Blockchain and authoritarianism: The evolution of decentralized autonomous organizations 89
Tom W. Bell
7 Blockchain and public administration 104
Yoan Hermstrüwer
8 Blockchain and freedom of expression 122
Giovanni De Gregorio
9 Blockchain, privacy, and data protection 140
Paul De Hert and Ashwinee Kumar
10 Blockchain for healthcare applications and use cases 156
Immaculate Motsi-Omoijiade and Alexander Kharlamov
11 Blockchain and contract law: Smart contracts 191
Pietro Sirena and Francesco P. Patti
12 Blockchain and financial law: FinTech and crypto-assets 208
Filippo Annunziata
13 Blockchain and antitrust law: A roadmap 224
Maria Teresa Maggiolino and Laura Zoboli
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