Evaluation and Mentoring of the Multi-Agency Approach to Violent Radicalisation in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany
The ‘Evaluation and Mentoring of the Multi-Agency approach to violent radicalization’ (EMMA) project was established (1) to evaluate the multi-agency working approach and (2) to mentor peer-to-peer assessment and exchange best practices among local practitioners. The EMMA project tried to fill this gap in evaluation research by developing a self-evaluation tool for local multi-agency working practitioners that will be widely applicable across different multi-agency working approaches in Europe. This book provides indicators of good multi-agency working practices and concrete recommendations for practitioners and policy-makers.
Prof. dr. Wim Hardyns is a Professor of Criminology at the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law at Ghent University, Belgium, and Professor of Safety Sciences at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
Dr. Noël Klima is the coordinator of Ghent University’s interdisciplinary consortium with a focus on societal impact IDC Crime, Criminology & Criminal Policy.
Prof. dr. Lieven Pauwels is a Professor of Criminology at the Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law at Ghent University, Belgium, and Director of the Institute of International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP).
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