Drew de Soto is de oprichter (2000) en creatief directeur van Navig8 en heeft gewerkt met enkele van de meest invloedrijke Britse organisaties, waaronder de British Council, de UK Government, internationale goede doelen en merken.
Meer over Drew de SotoKnow your Onions - Graphic Design
How to think like a creative, act like a businessman and design like a god
This book will give you the knowledge to be more creative, work efficiently and give you the foundations for top-notch graphic design. In 185 pages, you will gain 25 years' worth of graphic design experience and a few jokes - read it and save yourself 25 years.
-The principles of typography
-The principles of spacing with type
-The principles of punctuation
-Knowledge of colour
-Knowledge of reprographics
-Knowledge of print
-Knowledge of finishing
-Knowledge of paper
-Essential kit for the professional
-Magic number
-10 things
-Keyboard shortcuts
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