Masuma Shahid is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Law and Markets (Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam) and joint coordinator of the Berkeley LGBTQI+ Working Group. Her PhD research focuses on how various courts approach the topic of equal marriage rights, specifically same-sex marriage.
Meer over de auteursCases and Materials European Union Law
This compilation consists of key cases and materials in the area of European Union law, selected by the Department of International and European Union law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam to use in their bachelor education. Core areas of importance covered by this compilation are the four fundamental freedoms (goods, persons, services and capital), fundamental rights and competition law (cartel prohibition, the prohibition to abuse a dominant position and the prohibition of state aid).
What makes this book unique and of added value is that it offers concise case law entries, consisting of a mixture of quotes and summaries. By indicating the main points discussed, Cases and Material European Union Law aids students, lecturers and others (practitioners etc.) to quickly comprehend the key issues of each case. These case law entries stem from the didactic vision of the authors, Masuma Shahid and Lana Said, who have over 15 years’ experience in coordinating and teaching law courses at Dutch universities. Both are convinced that these case law entries facilitate the reader to analyze and/or scrutinize the remainder of the cases on a higher and elevated level. This compilation is suited not only for introductory and advanced courses in the field of European Union law, but also for practitioners that deal with European Union law in their daily work.
Over Lana Said
List of Abbreviations 11
Treaty on European Union (TEU), 13 December 2007 15
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), 13 December 2007 37
Directive 2004/38/EC (CRD) of the European Parliament and the Council, 29 April 2004 137
Commission Regulation 1407/2013/EU (De Minimis Regulation), L 352, 18 December 2013 155
De Minimis Notice 161
NAAT-Rule (‘Not Appreciably Affecting Trade’) 165
The Relevant Market Notice 187
The free movement of goods (fiscal barriers) 199
Case 7/68 Art Treasures (Judgment, 10 December 1968) 199
Case C-24/68 Statistical Levy (Judgment, 10 February 2009) 203
Case 46-76 Bauhuis (Preliminary Ruling, 25 January 1977) 209
Case C-302/00 Dark Tobacco (Judgment, 27 February 2002) 215
Case 170/78 Beer and Wine (Judgment, 27 February 1980) 221
Case 184/85 Dried Bananas (Judgment, 7 May 1987) 227
Case 196/85 Natural Sweet Wines (Judgment, 7 April 1987) 231
Case C-213/96 Outokumpu (Preliminary Ruling, 2 April 1998) 235
The free movement of goods (regulatory barriers) 241
Case 15/79 Groenveld (Preliminary Ruling, 8 November 1979) 241
Case C-205/07 Gysbrechts (Preliminary Ruling, 16 December 2008) 245
Case 59/82 Vermouth (Preliminary Ruling, 20 April 1983) 249
Case C-171/11 Fra.Bo SpA (Preliminary Ruling, 12 July 2012) 253
Case 2/73 Geddo (Preliminary Ruling, 2 July 1973) 259
Case 8-74 Dassonville (Preliminary Ruling, 11 July 1974) 261
Joined Cases C-267/91 and C-268/91 Keck and Mithouard (Preliminary Ruling, 24 November 1993) 263
Case C-368/95 Familiapress (Preliminary Ruling, 26 June 1997) 267
Case 120/78 Cassis de Dijon (Preliminary Ruling, 20 February 1979) 271
Case C-110/05 Italian Trailers (Judgment, 10 February 2009) 277
Case C-142/05 Mickelsson and Roos (Preliminary Ruling, 4 June 2009) 283
The free movement of Union citizens 289
Case C-34/09 Zambrano (Preliminary Ruling, 8 March 2011) 289
Case C-413/99 Baumbast (Preliminary Ruling, 17 September 2002) 293
Case C-184/99 Grzelczyk (Preliminary Ruling, 20 September 2001) 299
Case C-673/16 Coman (Preliminary Ruling, 5 June 2018) 305
Case C-456/02 Trojani (Preliminary Ruling, 7 September 2004) 315
Joined Cases C-523/11 and C-585/11 Prinz and Seeberger (Preliminary Ruling, 18 July 2013) 319
Case C-333/13 Dano (Preliminary Ruling, 11 November 2014) 325
Case C-135/08 Rottmann (Preliminary Ruling, 2 March 2010) 329
Case C-200/02 Zhu and Chen (Preliminary Ruling, 19 October 2004) 333
Case C-434/09 McCarthy (Preliminary Ruling, 5 May 2011) 337
Fundamental Rights 343
Case 5/88 Wachauf (Preliminary Ruling, 13 July 1989) 343
Case C-260/89 ERT (Preliminary Ruling, 18 June 1991) 349
Case C-112/00 Schmidberger (Preliminary Ruling, 12 June 2003) 357
Joined Cases C-293/12 and C-594/12 Digital Rights Ireland (Preliminary Ruling, 8 April 2014) 363
The free movement of workers 371
Case C-190/98 Graf (Preliminary Ruling, 27 January 2000) 371
Case 53/81 Levin (Preliminary Ruling, 23 March 1982) 375
Case C-415/93 Bosman (Preliminary Ruling, 15 December 1995) 381
Case C-292/89 Antonissen (Preliminary Ruling, 26 February 1991) 387
Case 39/86 Lair (Preliminary Ruling, 21 June 1988) 391
Case 316/85 Lebon (Preliminary Ruling, 18 June 1987) 397
Case C-138/02 Collins (Preliminary Ruling, 23 March 2004) 403
Case 152-73 Sotgiu (Preliminary Ruling, 12 February 1974) 409
The freedom of establishment 413
Case C-55/94 Gebhard (Preliminary Ruling, 30 November 1995) 413
Case 115/78 Knoors (Preliminary Ruling, 7 February 1979) 421
Case 2/74 Reyners (Preliminary Ruling, 21 June 1974) 425
Case 107/83 Klopp (Preliminary Ruling, 12 July 1984) 429
Case C-340/89 Vlassopoulou (Preliminary Ruling, 7 May 1991) 435
Case C-149/79 Commission v. Belgium (Judgment, 17 December 1980) 439
The free movement of legal persons 443
Case 81/87 Daily Mail (Preliminary Ruling, 27 September 1988) 443
Case C-210/06 Cartesio (Preliminary Ruling, 16 December 2008) 449
Case C-212/97 Centros (Preliminary Ruling, 9 March 1999) 459
Case C-208/00 Überseering (Preliminary Ruling, 5 November 2002) 465
Case C-378/10 VALE (Preliminary Ruling, 12 July 2012) 475
Case C-196/04 Cadbury Schweppes (Preliminary Ruling, 12 September 2006) 483
The free movement of services 493
Case 33-74 Van Binsbergen (Preliminary Ruling, 3 December 1974) 493
Case C-384/93 Alpine Investments (Preliminary Ruling, 10 May 1995) 497
Case C-159/90 Grogan (Preliminary Ruling, 4 October 1991) 501
Case C-452/04 FidiumFinanz (Preliminary Ruling, 3 October 2006) 505
Case C-76/90 Säger (Preliminary Ruling, 25 July 1991) 511
The free movement of capital 517
Case C-439/97 Sandoz (Preliminary Ruling, 14 October 1999) 517
Joined Cases C-163/94, C-165/94 and C-250/94 Sanz de Lera (Preliminary Ruling, 14 December 1995) 523
Joined Cases 286/82 and 26/83 Luisi and Carbone (Preliminary Ruling, 31 January 1984) 529
Case C-54/99 Scientology (Preliminary Ruling, 14 March 2000) 535
Case C-222/97 Trummer and Mayer (Preliminary Ruling, 16 March 1999) 539
The prohibition of cartels 543
Case C-41/90 Höfner and Elser (Preliminary Ruling, 23 April 1991) 543
Joined Cases C-56/64 and C-58/64 Consten and Grundig (Judgment, 13 July 1966) 549
Case T-41/96 Bayer (Judgment, 26 October 2000) 561
Case 56-65 STM (Preliminary Ruling, 30 June 1966) 567
Case C-234/89 Delimitis (Preliminary Ruling, 28 February 1991) 573
The prohibition of the abuse of a dominant position 581
Joined Cases C-395/96 P and C-396/96 P CEWAL (Judgment, 16 March 2000) 581
Case 85/76 Hoffmann-La Roche (Judgment, 13 February 1979) 595
Case T-193/02 Piau (Judgment, 26 January 2005) 619
Case C-62/86 AKZO (Judgment, 3 July 1991) 627
Case 27/76 United Brands (Judgment, 14 February 1978) 639
Case C-7/97 Bronner (Preliminary Ruling, 26 November 1998) 649
Case 6-72 Continental Can (Judgment, 21 February 1973) 657
Case T-201/04 Microsoft (Judgment, 17 September 2007) 665
State Aid Control 689
Case C-379/98 PreussenElektra (Preliminary Ruling, 13 March 2001) 689
Case C-482/99 Stardust (Judgment, 16 May 2002) 695
Case 203/82 Commission v. Italy (Judgment, 14 July 1983) 699
Case C-75/97 Belgium v. Commission (Judgment, 17 June 1999) 703
Case C-143/99 Adria-Wien (Preliminary Ruling, 8 November 2001) 711
Case C-88/03 Portugal v. Commission (Judgment, 6 September 2006) 717
Case C-172/03 Heiser (Preliminary Ruling, 3 March 2005) 723
Case C-199/06 CELF (Preliminary Ruling, 12 February 2008) 729
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