Peter de Lange houdt van schrijven en van fietsen. Als journalist werkte hij onder andere voor Rotterdams Dagblad, AD en De Telegraaf.
Meer over de auteursCycling Paradise
The Netherlands, 2-Wheel Nation (Including routes & places to stay)
Looking for the ideal mode of transportation for traveling through the Netherlands – that offers the further benefits of being CO2-free and a healthy choice? Visit the bicycle store! And keep Albert Einstein in mind.
He used to compare life to a bicycle ride: you have to keep your balance! Nowhere in the world is this famous physicist’s metaphor applied with such dedication and success as in the Netherlands.
Its inhabitants travel through life on their two-wheelers with inimitable ease. Both physically and socially. Due the fact that they have to share a small area with a lot of people, they are used to granting each other space. In this tiny, flat country, the bicycle is the perfect mode of transportation for individuals of all walks of life.
This relatively slow vehicle is granted utmost respect in this land that has more bicycles than inhabitants and that has a network of 37.000 kilometers of well-maintained and signposted bicycle paths. The network’s stunning routes take you to the furthest corners of the country – often free of bothersome cars.
And, en route, you will come across bicycle cafés and countless cheap and spotless places to spend the night – created specifically for hikers and cyclists, who can count on a warm welcome.
Welcome to cycling Paradise the Netherlands!
Over Robert van Weperen
Cycling the Dutch way
Acrobat on wheels
Everybody bikes
Borrowing, sharing, renting
Bikes for everybody
Special bikes
The cyclists café
Discovering the country
A friendly place to stay
Useful references
A selection of the most beautiful cycling routes of the Netherlands
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