Gleider Hernández is Professor of Public International Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Open Universiteit Nederland.
Meer over Gleider HernandezInternational Law
International Law presents a comprehensive yet student-focused approach to the subject, providing a contemporary and stimulating account of international law. With critical coverage delivered through a wide range of learning features, students are encouraged to engage with legal debates and controversies.
Online resources accompany this book, providing additional support for students.
1: The history and nature of international law
2: Sources of international law
3: Hierarchy of norms in international law
4: International law and municipal law
Part II Subjects of International Law
5: States as subjects of international law
6: International organizations
Part III International Law in Operation
7: The law of treaties
8: Jurisdiction
9: Immunities
10: State responsibility
Part IV International Disputes and Responses to Breaches
11: Diplomatic protection and issues of standing
12: International dispute settlement and the ICJ
13: Enforcement short of force
14: The use of force and collective security
Part V Specialized Regimes
15: The law of armed conflict
16: International human rights and refugee law
17: International criminal law
18: The law of the sea
19: The protection of the environment
20: International economic law
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