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The Second Machine Age

Work, Progress and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies

Gebonden, 304 blz. | Engels
W. W. Norton & Company | 1e druk, 2014
ISBN13: 9780393239355
Hoofdrubriek : Computer en informatica
Juridisch : Management
W. W. Norton & Company 1e druk, 2014 9780393239355
Verwachte levertijd ongeveer 16 werkdagen


In recent years, Google’s autonomous cars have logged thousands of miles on American highways and IBM’s Watson trounced the best human Jeopardy! players. Digital technologies—with hardware, software, and networks at their core—will in the near future diagnose diseases more accurately than doctors can, apply enormous data sets to transform retailing, and accomplish many tasks once considered uniquely human.

In 'The Second Machine Age' MIT’s Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee—two thinkers at the forefront of their field—reveal the forces driving the reinvention of our lives and our economy. As the full impact of digital technologies is felt, we will realize immense bounty in the form of dazzling personal technology, advanced infrastructure, and near-boundless access to the cultural items that enrich our lives.

Amid this bounty will also be wrenching change. Professions of all kinds—from lawyers to truck drivers—will be forever upended. Companies will be forced to transform or die. Recent economic indicators reflect this shift: fewer people are working, and wages are falling even as productivity and profits soar.

Drawing on years of research and up-to-the-minute trends, Brynjolfsson and McAfee identify the best strategies for survival and offer a new path to prosperity. These include revamping education so that it prepares people for the next economy instead of the last one, designing new collaborations that pair brute processing power with human ingenuity, and embracing policies that make sense in a radically transformed landscape.

A fundamentally optimistic book, The Second Machine Age will alter how we think about issues of technological, societal, and economic progress.


Aantal pagina's:304

Over Erik Brynjolfsson

Erik Brynjolfsson is gespecialiseerd in economie en technologe. Hij is verbonden aan het prestigieuze MIT.

Andere boeken door Erik Brynjolfsson

Over Andrew McAfee

Andrew McAfee (bachelor’s in mechanical engineering en master's in management van MIT, promotie aan Harvard Business School) slaat al meer dan een decennium een brug tussen wetenschap en het grote publiek. Zo muntte hij in 2006 de term Enterprise 2.0 om een nieuwe generatie ondernemingen aan te duiden die sociale platformen als Facebook en Twitter in hun ondernemingsmodel integreerden. Als opinieleider brak hij door met Race against the Machine, dat hij 2012 samen met Erik Brynjolfsson in eigen beheer uitgaf. De samenwerking met zijn MIT-collega was zo succesvol dat het duo nog twee boeken schreef: Het tweede machinetijdperk (2014) en Platform, Machine, Crowd (2017).

Andere boeken door Andrew McAfee

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        The Second Machine Age