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The Quest for Complex Policy

E-book, blz. Pdf met watermerkbeveiliging | Engels
Eleven international publishing | e druk, 2022
ISBN13: 9789051894509
Hoofdrubriek : Management
Juridisch :
Eleven international publishing Pdf met watermerkbeveiliging e druk, 2022 9789051894509
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Governments often present societal problems simpler than they are. In public policy, problems are bound, extracted from their context, and provided with one-dimensional solutions. As demonstrated in this book, ‘criminal youth groups’ must be imprisoned, and the municipal transport service must get passengers from A to B as quickly as possible. Because of these simplifi cations, policy becomes superfi cial, often with disappointing results.

This book searches for an alternative policy orientation that accommodates the entanglement and multi-dimensionality of societal problems in public policy. Using philosophical refl ections, Public Administration literature and three in-depth case studies, the author shows how ‘complex policy’ better fi ts the late-modern society and produces innovative and rich results. He also analyses the tensions of complexifying policy in an organisational context of institutionalised simplicity. Simplifi cation reflexes threaten the space for and results of complexifi cation. Policymakers should be ambidextrous: accommodating complexity in public policy while being responsive to the institutional need for simplicity.




Complexity and Public Policy; Welcoming the Danger; The Problem of Complexity and Policymaking; Researching Simplification and Complexification; Introducing the Case Studies; Cases; Position in the Field of Public Administration; Outline of This Book; The Evolution of Knowledge; Introduction; Design: Three Case Studies; The Quality of Knowledge; Simplification; Introduction; Setting the Scene: ‘Seeing Like a State’; Philosophy: The Machine Worldview; Theory: Simplification of Policymaking; Practice: Empirical Manifestations of Simplification; Analysis of the Cases; Conclusion; Complexification; Introduction; Setting the Scene: The Idea of Increasing Complexity; Philosophy: The Complex System Worldview; Theory: Complexification of Policymaking; Practice: Empirical Manifestations of Complexification; Analysis of the Cases; Analysis of the Cases; Empirical Intermezzo; Empirical Intermezzo; Case 1: The Station Square; Case 2: Mobility Transport Service; Case 3: Criminal Youth Groups; Strengths and Weaknesses; Introduction; Simplification; Complexification; Complexification; Dialectics; Introduction; Dialectics in Time; Dialectics in Place; Combining Time and Place; Evaluating the Dialectics; Conclusion; Conclusion; Introduction; Conclusions; Refelction; Implications for Theory and Practice; References; Attachments

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        The Quest for Complex Policy