Kees Wessels is Chef Zorg bij De Argumentenfabriek. Daarvoor was hij journalist. Hij won in 2009 de Tegel ( de 'Oscar voor de journalistiek') in de categorie het beste nieuwsverhaal voor artikelen over de behandeling van borstkanker.
Meer over de auteursThis is How Dutch Healthcare Works
How does healthcare in the Netherlands work?
This Atlas shows how the Dutch healthcare system operates, using visualisations and brief sections of text. In a clear and compelling way the book explains the workings of the healthcare system, the laws relevant to healthcare, and how healthcare in the Netherlands is funded.
This book seeks to help the 1.5 million people employed in the Dutch healthcare sector and other people who are interested in this unique healthcare system to better understand how it works. It describes the world of healthcare beyond the doctor's consultation room and addresses questions doctors, nurses, paramedics and other healthcare providers, policymakers, administrators, insurers and informal carers need answers to, but were afraid to ask.
Over Gertrude van Driesten
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