The Basics of Financial Management
An introductory course in finance, management accounting and financial accounting
The primary aim of this basic book is to familiarize students in (international) English-language programmes with the basics in the fields of finance, finance management and accounting. No prior knowledge of business economics is required.
This book is user-friendly, accessible, and yet comprehensive in its approach. It takes an in-depth, integrated look at the principles of management accounting, financial accounting and finance. Examples and case studies from newspapers and professional journals encourage the practical application of the material. Study questions reinforce and test the student's understanding of the key concepts. A glossary of key terms is included at the end of each chapter. The book also contains multiple choice questions and other assignments designed to stimulate thinking about the topics that are discussed.
Further self-test materials are available at including interactive multiple choice questions, exercises, cases and teachers manual.
Over Wim Koetzier
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