Management and Cost Accounting
Familiarise your students with the real business world and the principal management accounting techniques.Packed with illustrations, examples and real-life applications, Management and Cost Accounting, 8th edition, by Bhimani and co-authors brings together techniques, concepts and practices in a highly readable way. MyLab Accounting available.
-The manager and management accounting
-An introduction to cost terms and purposes
-Job costing
-Process costing
-Cost allocation
-Cost allocation: joint-cost situations
-Income effects of alternative stock-costing methods
Part 1 Case study problems Part 2 Accounting information for decision making
-Cost–volume–profit analysis
-Determining how costs behave
-Relevant information for decision making
-Activity-based costing
-Pricing issues and customer profitability analysis
-Capital investment decisions
Part 2 Case study problems Part 3 Planning and budgetary control systems
-Motivation, budgets and responsibility accounting
-Flexible budgets, variances and management control: I
-Flexible budgets, variances and management control: II
-Measuring yield, mix and quantity effects
Part 3 Case study problems Part 4 Management control systems and performance issues
-Control systems and transfer pricing
-Control systems and performance measurement
Part 4 Case study problems Part 5 Strategy, quality, time and emerging issues
-Strategy, the balanced scorecard and quality
-Strategy, the balanced scorecard and quality
-Emerging issues: digitalisation and sustainability
Part 5 Case study problems Appendix A: Solutions to selected exercises Glossary Subject Index Publisher's acknowledgements
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