Public Management in an Information Age
Towards Strategic Public Information Management
New information and communication technologies have drastically changed public management. Public managers are increasingly dependent on information gathered form complex systems and they need to be able to put in place sound IT and communication structures. This accessible text, aimed specifically at those studying and working in public management, offers readers a comprehensive understanding of ICTs and their implications for public management.
It provides aspiring and current public managers a framework for the development of strategic public information management across the full range of public organizations. Written by leading experts in this area, Public Management in an Information Age offers:- A thorough grounding in the latest research- Examples of issues and practices from different contexts and types of organizations around the world- A range of tools and techniques to help readers analyse concrete situations and develop appropriate solutions - Summary boxes on key ICTs in non-technical languageThis is the ideal text for students on Master of Public Administration, Master of Public Management and Master of Public Policy programmes.
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