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Sonja Wekema is ondernemer (The Other Perspective en The Board Whisperers) en heeft heeft als doel organisaties menselijker en impactvoller te maken.
Sonja is onderzoeker (VU), keynotespeaker (o.a. TEDx) en co-auteur van ' Leading in a Wicked World', '7 Perspectieven op leiderschap' en 'The Leadership Journey', een boek dat veel wordt ingezet bij leergangen, door zowel leiders als facilitators.
Meer over de auteursThis book is an essential read for those looking for success in today’s rapidly changing world. We offer you a wealth of knowledge and practical leadership strategies for leading in the Wicked World we live in, illustrated by real-world examples that bring these concepts to life.
We explore:
- The key trends shaping today’s business landscape and what leading really means in a Wicked World – a world of upheaval, growing complexity, digitisation, and where old paradigms continue to crash.
- How personal scripts and patterns affect leadership, plus how to shift your leadership style to better align with your organisation’s needs.
- A new framework that helps leaders make sense of organisations in a Wicked World.
- Inspiration and suggestions of how you can dance with the Wicked World.
The authors of Leading in a Wicked World, Sonja Wekema & Matthias Schramm, have first-hand experience leading and coaching international leaders in how to handle the Wicked World. They understand the challenges accompanying this type of leadership and wrote this book to give you the best tools and strategies needed to navigate this new terrain successfully.
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