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Jam Cultures

Inclusion: having a seat at the table, a voice and a vote

E-book, 304 blz. Epub met watermerkbeveiliging | Engels
Boom | 1e druk, 2020
ISBN13: 9789462763999
Hoofdrubriek : Management
Juridisch : Management
Boom Epub met watermerkbeveiliging 1e druk, 2020 9789462763999
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‘Kramer sets out a clear path for better understanding and more inclusive cultures.’ – Financial Times

To solve complex problems, we need multiple angles and perspectives. And the courage to challenge our status quo by working with people who think differently. Inclusion is about co-creation. About the courage to invite people from various backgrounds to the table and to listen to all views. It requires us to deal with opposing forces to reach the highest goals.

Inclusion is a hot topic. It is about who gets to decide on what we think is good or bad. It is about who can join and especially about who cannot. These are topics we don’t discuss lightly. We need an energetic language to describe our mutual pains without insulting one another. This book presents that language.

‘Diversity is about being invited to the party. Inclusion is about being asked to join in and dance.’ – Vernā Myers

In Jam Cultures, cooperation is seen as a jam session, a process in which people feel safe to express themselves and dare to harmonize with each other to create a better sound. Inclusion means working independently together.

Dealing with diversity and power dynamics in a constructive way is one of the greatest challenges of today. It takes leadership with power and love. It is what makes good leaders great.


Aantal pagina's:304

Over Jitske Kramer

Jitske Kramer is corporate antropoloog, ondernemer en bestseller auteur. Zij reist de wereld over om te leren van traditionele healers, leiders, verrassende innovators en willekeurige voorbijgangers. Ze brengt haar kennis en ervaringen via ijzersterke lezingen en masterclasses naar de wereld van organiseren, samenwerken en leiderschap. Om de slagkracht en resultaten van individuen en groepen te verbeteren (en de wereld gewoon een beetje mooier te maken). Ze heeft de ambitie om organisaties te activeren om voor alles en iedereen woest aantrekkelijk te zijn. En het liefst ook nog verrukkelijk eenvoudig. In haar verhalen wordt wat vertrouwd is vreemd. En wat vreemd is vertrouwd. Anderen over Jitske: “Jitske Kramer is een van de meest inspirerende sprekers van Nederland. Ze prikkelt je om stevig na te denken en je stem te laten horen. Met flair en met lef zoekt ze de diepgang op. Op zoek naar verrassende nieuw inzichten en praktische toepasbaarheid. Verbindend en daadkrachtig.”

Andere boeken door Jitske Kramer


About diversity, inclusion and Jam Cultures

The essence
About me: who am I to talk?
About you, my readers
Inclusion, what’s that?
Diversity: visible and invisible differences
Diversity: a pain, or cause for optimism?
Diversity and inclusion. Why? Just because!
Jam Cultures

About our tendency to clone and the pros and cons of stereotyping
The fuss about difference: nature or nurture?
How much diversity are we willing and able to accept? What do we have to accept?
Stereotypes have pros and cons
The Jam Circle: Jamming with Difference
Inclusion: dealing with opposing forces
Leadership and inclusion
How to show more love for diversity and difference

About the pecking order and who has the power
Culture as a weapon
Pecking Orders: eat, kill or have sex
Dominance Blindness and Minority Stress
Jokes, banter and microaggression
Kingpins, Harries, obstructers, scapegoats and heroes
Privilege and Sources of Power
How to see the power of power

How to deal with multiple truths
There is more than one truth
That’s just the way we are
Actively looking for alternatives
Whose truth? Achieving a win-win situation
New Ways with Deep Democracy
New Ways with Polarity Mapping
How to challenge the truth and find new ways of working

How discomfort releases energy
Trust as a choice
Blissful ignorance, comfort and shock
The zone of discomfort: clashing ideals
How tension can lead to conflict
When conflicts become intractable and deepen into polarization
How to put more trust in the unknown

About jamming in a flow and with extremes
Jamming to the beat
No flow without risk
A powerful, inspiring story
How to find the courage to jam

I Jam Cultures Questionnaire: Inclusion in Attitude and Behavior
II Jam Cultures Canvas: Talking Points, Strategy and Action Planner
III Inclusion Principles
About Jitske Kramer

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