CEO, Business Models Inc, internationaal adviesbureau voor strategie en businessmodel innovatie.
Meer over de auteursBusiness Model Shifts
Six Ways to Create New Value for Customers
This groundbreaking book, co-authored by Patrick van der Pijl, producer of the global bestseller Business Model Generation, was written during the COVID-19 pandemic and perfectly captures the challenging times in which we live. Business Model Shiftsincludes case studies, stories, and in-depth analysis based on the work of hundreds of the world’s largest and most intriguing organizations. Each case study details how organizations created their own business model shifts in order to create more customer value, and ultimately create a stronger, more competitive business.
Whether you’re looking for ways to redesign your business due to the challenges introduced by COVID-19 and other disruptions, or you want to simply create more lasting value for your customers, Business Model Shifts is an essential book that will change the way you think about your business.
- The Services Shift: the move from products to services
- The Stakeholder Shift: the move from an exclusive shareholder orientation to creating value for all stakeholders, including employees and society
- The Digital Shift: the move from traditional business operations to 24/7 connection to customers and their needs
- The Platform Shift: the move from trying to serve everyone, to connecting people who can exchange value on a proprietary platform
- The Exponential Shift: the move from seeking incremental growth to an exponential mindset that seeks 10x growth
- The Circular Shift: the move from take-make-dispose towards restorative, regenerative, and circular value creation
Over Roland Wijnen
The customer wins!
Where is value now and next?
Business model shift
How to use this book
From normal to new normal
From products to services
From shareholder to stakeholder
From physical to digital
From pipeline to platform
From incremental to exponential
From linear to circular
Where value is shifting!
How to drive your own shift
Business model growth curve
Alibaba’s growth curve
Creating the right ecosystem
The makers
The contributors
What’s your shift?
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